For Honor, Tournament Prize


Collectible video game items can be used for a variety of marketing purposes. We designed several items as a tournament prize for For Honor. The items included a faction crown, laser-engraved wooden box, faction medallion, and a champion certificate print. We created mockups of these collectible game items before finalizing the 3D models for production. Designing collectibles specifically as prizes enabled us to put more resources into each individual item. Moreover, fans have more incentive to win the prizes when the collectible items are limited. Contact the WAYPOINT team to discuss other creative strategies with collectible video game items.

- You must gather your party before venturing forth -
- What a contradiction a human is -
- Stay a while and listen -
- The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone -
- It's dangerous to go alone, take this -
- Wild trainer wants to battle -
- It was just me against the world... and the world had it coming -
- Longing makes the heart grow fonder -
- Rip and Tear -
- It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum -