Pillars of Eternity, Backers Edition


Kickstarter collector’s editions are a great method to promote and fund your video game title. Obsidian reached out for us to design the Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Backer’s edition. We were able to produce this kickstarter backer’s edition on a short timeline. It included items such as a guidebook, DVD, patches, game map, notepad, and a creative collector’s box. Kickstarter editions are great for designing items that are more tailored for dedicated fans, which can also establish a stronger fanbase over time. If you are considering crowdfunding your video game, reach out to us for designing and producing a special kickstarter collector’s edition.

- You must gather your party before venturing forth -
- What a contradiction a human is -
- Stay a while and listen -
- The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone -
- It's dangerous to go alone, take this -
- Wild trainer wants to battle -
- It was just me against the world... and the world had it coming -
- Longing makes the heart grow fonder -
- Rip and Tear -
- It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum -