He-Man, Game Trailer


A lot of pride and nostalgia came with working on the gameplay trailer for He-Man: The Most Powerful Game in the Universe. The He-Man game trailer brought together dynamic motion graphics, gameplay capture footage, and professional voice recordings. For this gameplay trailer, we had to select gameplay footage that accurately brought back the Saturday morning cartoon nostalgia. A game’s identity is arguably one of the most important aspects we consider when editing a trailer. Especially with such a well known IP, it is vital that a trailer is cognizant of the audience’s relationship with the game title.

- You must gather your party before venturing forth -
- What a contradiction a human is -
- Stay a while and listen -
- The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone -
- It's dangerous to go alone, take this -
- Wild trainer wants to battle -
- It was just me against the world... and the world had it coming -
- Longing makes the heart grow fonder -
- Rip and Tear -
- It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum -