My Hero Academia, Game Trailer


My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero is the new Sony open-world mobile RPG where you can immerse yourself in the world of My Hero Academia, create wicked combos with a barrage of quirks, experience the full might of all-mighty, and become the greatest hero!Sony contacted us to do our magic and we delivered! Our designers worked on animation and motion graphics to launch this trailer for MHATSH . For this project, we made sure the animated motion graphics go hand in hand with the intricate art style of the game. Doing this we guarantee a smooth transition from the intro motion graphics and captured gameplay footage so you can enjoy the ride at its fullest!

- You must gather your party before venturing forth -
- What a contradiction a human is -
- Stay a while and listen -
- The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone -
- It's dangerous to go alone, take this -
- Wild trainer wants to battle -
- It was just me against the world... and the world had it coming -
- Longing makes the heart grow fonder -
- Rip and Tear -
- It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum -